Know these rights: If the police come to your door to arrest

Know these rights: If the police come to your door to arrest We all have rights in law and these rights are called human rights. It is often seen that there is a violation of human rights in police stations and the main reason is lack of awareness. In fact, even today most people do not know that they have got some rights in the law, which the police cannot violate. Today we are telling you about some such rights which you get under human rights and no police can violate these rights. If your rights are violated somewhere, then you can complain about this to the Chief of Police of the district i.e. Senior Superintendent of Police or Human Rights Commission. Let's know what our rights are in police stations. 1. Police cannot refuse to register an FIR According to the Police Regulation, it is the responsibility of the police to file an FIR or First Information Report of every victim who comes to the police station and the police cannot refuse you for this. A copy ...