Judicial bias in the court

A fundamental rule of our legal framework is that a judge or justice must not sit on a case where the individual is one-sided. This is significant so equity is done and so that equity is seen to be done. There are well established tests for genuine and apprehended legal bias however how these are applied can differ depending upon the accurate circumstance. Some unfair/biased conduct in indian court by judges can be- Actual legal bias Real bias exists where a judge can be demonstrated to be so dedicated to a specific result that proof and arguments presented won't change that result. A judge must not manage a case where the person is one-sided against or in favour of one of the parties. Apprehended legal bias Apprehended bias exists where an honest layperson may sensibly believe that the judge probably won't manage the issue impartially. The test is whether there is a genuine chance (not a distant chance) of bias. It shouldn't be set up that the judge would...