What is it, how to register zero FIR

What is it, how to register zero FIR You must have heard about the FIR in relation to an incident. The FIR also has a zero FIR. Today, let us tell you about zero FIR ... What is an FIR? An FIR is a document on the basis of which the police starts proceedings to punish the convict. In case of theft of some goods, an FIR is necessary to claim insurance. Apart from this, there is a risk of misuse of your thing, due to which you get caught in a crime that you did not commit. In such a situation the FIR protects you from any kind of loss. In which cases is the FIR registered? First of all, it is necessary to know what kind of case is filed. Crimes are of two types. Uncognizable and cognizable offenses. Non-Cognizable Offenses- Non-Cognizable Offenses are minor offenses such as cases of minor assault etc. are non-cognizable offenses. In such a case, no FIR can be directly filed, instead the complaint is referred to the Magistrate and the Magistrate can issue summons to the accused in this ...