What is it, how to register zero FIR

You must have heard about the FIR in relation to an incident. The FIR also has a zero FIR. Today, let us tell you about zero FIR ...
What is an FIR?
An FIR is a document on the basis of which the police starts proceedings to punish the convict. In case of theft of some goods, an FIR is necessary to claim insurance. Apart from this, there is a risk of misuse of your thing, due to which you get caught in a crime that you did not commit. In such a situation the FIR protects you from any kind of loss.
In which cases is the FIR registered?
First of all, it is necessary to know what kind of case is filed. Crimes are of two types. Uncognizable and cognizable offenses. Non-Cognizable Offenses- Non-Cognizable Offenses are minor offenses such as cases of minor assault etc. are non-cognizable offenses. In such a case, no FIR can be directly filed, instead the complaint is referred to the Magistrate and the Magistrate can issue summons to the accused in this case. Then the case begins. That is, in such a case whether jurisdiction or not, the case cannot be filed under any circumstances. Cognizable offense - The second case is cognizable offense, which is a serious type of crime. In such cases, there are shooting, murder and rape etc. in which FIR is directly registered. Under Section 154 of the CrPC, the police are required to directly register an FIR in a cognizable case.
What is zero FIR?
Even if the crime committed with the complainant has not happened in the jurisdiction of the police station where the complainant approaches the complaint, the police will have to file a case based on the complaint of the complainant. In such a situation, the complaint is later transferred to the concerned police station. Such an FIR is called ZERO FIR. When any person reaches any police station with a complaint, the first duty of the police is to register a case. If the case is related to a cognizable offense, then a case can be registered in any other area, irrespective of whether the crime has taken place in any area of the country. There should be no delay in informing the police about the crime, so it is necessary to register that complaint. Former High Court Justice R. s. According to Sodhi, the Supreme Court had said in its Judgment that the police cannot refuse to register an FIR on the basis of jurisdiction, irrespective of the area of crime. The police cannot condone in any way after registering an FIR. The motive behind this is that evidence should be collected by registering the complaint of the complainant. If the complaint is not filed, then the investigation will not be done and the evidence will continue to be destroyed, but once the FIR is over, the complaint roll is over and a state case is made and then the police has to investigate. In this context, the provision of zero FIR is very effective.
How effective is zero FIR?
Whenever there is a complaint and the matter is cognizable, the police will not only register an FIR but it will also conduct a preliminary inquiry so that the initial evidence is not destroyed. After such an investigation, the police refer the investigation report and FIR to the concerned police station. The FIR recorded in this process is called zero FIR. Sometimes when a complaint of rape etc. is made, it is necessary to get the victim's medical etc. immediately. This is the reason why police also investigate after Zero FIR and prepare MLC report etc. and if it is not done then there is a risk of destruction of evidence.
How to register FIR
There is no need to go by yourself to register an FIR. An eyewitness or a relative of the incident may also file an FIR. In case of emergency, the police can also register an FIR based on phone call or email. The FIR also mentions the date and time of the incident and the accused. After the FIR is lodged, the complainant has the right to get a free copy of it. The crime number written in the FIR is used as a reference in the future. A copy of the FIR should bear the seal of the police station and the signature of the police officer.
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